
Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Manga "smut" for the ladies... 

Sorry for the lack of updates lately... I have quite a few things that I want to write about. But first, here is something that might slip under most people's radars:

The licensing of Kaikan Phrase by Viz, who continues to rack up the female manga titles lately.

Why is this important? Well it continues to push the boundaries of age and content for shoujo manga. Kaikan ran in the Sho-comi anthology, which skews a bit older than some of the other anthologies (high-school age). It has had some innocuous titles like Fushigi Yuugi, but some older ones like Ayashi no Ceres, and some more "trashy" titles like Kaikan.

If you'd like to see some fangirls gushing, check out this thread:

Sapphire gives a pretty good overview with:
The manga plot. HS shy girl Anine writes a "racy" poem, after nearly getting run over by the lead singer of the up-and-coming band Lucifer, Sakuya, he reads it (aiiiee) and he ends up using them for lyrics to a song.

Somehow, this results in Aine being made the lyric writer for the band, Sakuya pursuing her, fangirls hating her, Sakuya so totally getting her (SMUT) and a seemingly endless cycle of kidnappings, sex, some drugging, more sex, and some rock concerts thrown in.

It just goes to show that guys aren't the only ones into trashy comics... =)

Update: Bah.. I really am overtired today.. I forgot to take this off of draft this morning so it never posted...

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