
Friday, January 09, 2004

Devil's Due goes Voltron... 

Well, I saw today on Pulse that Devil's Due is making a Voltron comic. I have to admit to being a somewhat nostalgic person, so sometimes I fall for stuff like this. I have to say that the artwork looks nice and the plot elements that Dan Jolley mention sound good. Pretty much it sounds like they are going to run with the world aspects of the series and explore things in more depth. It seems like some personalities will be changed and some aspects jettisened (sounds like the space mice are going), but not a wholesale change of tone or anything...

From what I know, Voltron was actually changed around quite a bit from the original anime, as well as combining two totally unrelated series together (GoLion and Dairugger IV as the lion and vehicle forces, even though a movie was animated just for US audiences to show the two Voltrons fighting together), so it isn't like this is the first time things have been changed.

This may actually interest me more than some of the Transformers stuff, which I've also heard is good but never got around to actually reading. Next time I'm at a comic shop I'll have to check some of this stuff out...

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