
Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Some blogging articles... 

First of all, this is a pretty interesting article which talks about RSS and possible methods to help solve server load for when people increasingly use it (using technologies like BitTorrent). I think one of my next things to look into is the various RSS readers. Now that I have a bit less time, I find myself forgetting to check some of the blogs, etc. It sounds like subscribing to some feeds may be the way to go...

Second is this article from John C. Dvorak, who asks if the combinations of people abandoing blogs over time and big media co-opting it spells doom for blogs. I don't agree that things are in as much trouble as he thinks, but it does make you think. Also, the board has some interesting discussion back and forth...

The most interesting thing to me I guess is the question of what really is a blog? Software used? A format? An attitude? It seems like as time goes on, things get more and more blurred. If a company lists updated news using blogging software, is it a blog? If a columnist uses blogging software to do articles, posting at a consistant schedule (like once a week) and is being paid, is that blogging? Is a person doing an online diary using only html blogging? Where do you draw the line? Does it even matter in the end?

It also becomes interesting in that you could do a blog type thing but with only an RSS feed and no web page version. Is it then a mailing list instead a blog?

And with the tons of free CMS systems out there (here is just a sampling), what does it mean when anyone can easily set up their own online magazine site, complete with news, forum, articles, chat, blogs, and all the rest with multiple contributers?

We're also starting to see more trackers out there to keep you updated and learn of new blogs, as well as the infamous trackbacks...

I guess we'll have to see where all this goes to...

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