
Tuesday, June 22, 2004

CMX Press Release... 

John also got an e-mail with a press release stating the titles lined up for DC's new manga line CMX. While it hasn't been offically backed up, it certainly reads like it is legit...

Aparantly, the first wave will be Madara, Mekakushi no Kuni, and Eroika Yori Ai Wo Komete. Following those will be Gals, Tenjo Tenge, Monster Collection, and Akuma De Soro.

Also mentioned was that Jake Tarbox (formally of Raijin) was hired as the Group Editor.

This is great news, and it looks like DC is pretty serious about the line. I'm not familiar with all of these titles, but Tenjo Tenge is certainly a very popular title. I'm guessing it will shoot right up the charts. Gals is also a very good title, though not as well known as something like CLAMP. It seems like they're also trying to tie into other things, mentioning that one of the authors was the character designer for the animated sequence of Kill Bill.

I really really hope they do a good job with these and don't feel a need to censor or americanize everything. This could be big, folks... Already some manga fans are saying this will be their first time checking out a DC comic, and I'm sure the brand will help these out in comic shops (where Dark Horse does better relative to the other companies than compared to book shops).

Edit: Whooops.. the release also mentions Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne (which has a big following) and a title called Swan.

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